Legal Risk Management Advisory
In many companies, legal services lack results orientation, under the belief that legal activity in principle is not quantifiable. However, there are numerous variables that have a direct impact on results and with a systematization according to the needs of each company, these internal legal services can be oriented.
In a scenario of high litigation and legal complexity such as the one currently being proposed, our team of experts in legal risk mitigation works together with the management of the company objectifying information, making it understandable, identifying fraud and red flags and helping to ensure that Judgment management is oriented to the results and objectives required, allowing to optimize management, reducing costs and minimizing risks.
- We work for clients of various industries and services.
- We develop appropriate monitoring and control tools for legal management
for legal “non-specialists”. - We collaborate with the judicial management of the company.
- We audit judicial providers.
- We detect fraud and / or windows of opportunity for its possible occurrence.
- We optimize the judicial management of the company, maximizing risk / benefit.
Legal Risk Management Advisory
In many companies, legal services lack results orientation, under the belief that legal activity in principle is not quantifiable. However, there are numerous variables that have a direct impact on results and with a systematization according to the needs of each company, these internal legal services can be oriented.
In a scenario of high litigation and legal complexity such as the one currently being proposed, our team of experts in legal risk mitigation works together with the management of the company objectifying information, making it understandable, identifying fraud and red flags and helping to ensure that Judgment management is oriented to the results and objectives required, allowing to optimize management, reducing costs and minimizing risks.
- We work for clients of various industries and services.
- We develop appropriate monitoring and control tools for legal management
for legal “non-specialists”. - We collaborate with the judicial management of the company.
- We audit judicial providers.
- We detect fraud and / or windows of opportunity for its possible occurrence.
- We optimize the judicial management of the company, maximizing risk / benefit.
How do we do it?
Control boards
A control panel of the management of judgments offers the non-specialist a descriptive map of the circumstances that legal-economic management is going through, but also allows the development of an analysis of projections and possible scenarios.
Fraud Detection
Avoiding leaks of legally relevant information, detecting cases of the trial industry in time, having adequate resources to respond to complex or high-impact claims for the company are today some of the risks that companies increasingly face in the market current. The trajectory of G5 Integritas applied to the field of judicial management has been a powerful tool to detect these frauds or to identify early windows of opportunity where fraud could take place.
Optimization of processes
We detect opportunities for improvement in internal judicial management processes that optimize time and offer control points in sensitive instances of the process. This service collaborates with efficiency, avoids the taking of unnecessary resources, reduces costs and allows greater control in the critical instances of management.
Judicial Audits
Audits of trials carried out in the field (Courts / Tribunals), external legal studies and / or in the in-company administration have proven to be valuable tools to detect opportunities for improvement, allowing to obtain information on the performance of suppliers and internal resources of all levels. In short, they are essential to have real control of the area.
Financial economic monitoring of judicial management
Nuestros profesionales ayudan a estimar el pasivo litigioso asociado a una cartera de juicios y a desarrollar estrategias que colaboren en el desarrollo de un cronograma de pagos y erogaciones. They also offer advice regarding adequate investments of the liabilities -eventually- fixed assets that may be associated with the judicial process.
Control boards
A control panel of the management of judgments offers the non-specialist a descriptive map of the circumstances that legal-economic management is going through, but also allows the development of an analysis of projections and possible scenarios.
Judicial Audits
Audits of trials carried out in the field (Courts / Tribunals), external legal studies and / or in the in-company administration have proven to be valuable tools to detect opportunities for improvement, allowing to obtain information on the performance of suppliers and internal resources of all levels. In short, they are essential to have real control of the area.
Fraud Detection
Avoiding leaks of legally relevant information, detecting cases of the trial industry in time, having adequate resources to respond to complex or high-impact claims for the company are today some of the risks that companies increasingly face in the market current. The trajectory of G5 Integritas applied to the field of judicial management has been a powerful tool to detect these frauds or to identify early windows of opportunity where fraud could take place.
Optimization of processes
We detect opportunities for improvement in internal judicial management processes that optimize time and offer control points in sensitive instances of the process. This service collaborates with efficiency, avoids the taking of unnecessary resources, reduces costs and allows greater control in the critical instances of management.
Financial economic monitoring of judicial management
Nuestros profesionales ayudan a estimar el pasivo litigioso asociado a una cartera de juicios y a desarrollar estrategias que colaboren en el desarrollo de un cronograma de pagos y erogaciones. They also offer advice regarding adequate investments of the liabilities -eventually- fixed assets that may be associated with the judicial process.
Information leak investigation
Companies and businesses need to shield their sensitive information to prevent it from falling into the hands of the competition or unscrupulous third parties, thus protecting their competitive position. The G5 Integritas team works with the client to ensure that their information is well protected and investigates in cases of information leaks. Our services include the identification of the participants in the events, the sources of the leaks, and the development of the policy / procedure to prevent information leaks.
Unfair competition
The G5 Integritas team identifies and analyzes acts of unfair competition, which manifest themselves in various ways. Among the activities that we identify and analyze are pricing, hoarding, monopolies, exclusionary activity, predatory pricing, and the grouping and linking of products and prices.